Version: f8211d0

Last Release: 2025-02-01 11:29


type information and ship maximum jump distances

What a universe would it be, if only filled by void? Mass and volume is what civilizations are flourishing on.

This update allows to search through the "types" database of things available in the Frontier. You can now search for anything from "A" like "Anser" to "Z" like "Zarquis Pocket Spawner". Try it out and wonder about some of the results.

You will probably encounter some incorrect types, which is because the World API types database does not seem to reflect the latest state yet. I only manually patched the name of the three "Shuttle" types.

All the ships are displayed on the types main navigation page and as mentioned before, the name of the three shuttles are patched manually. When you go to a details page of a ship, you will also find the maximum jump distance. It assumes EU-90 Fuel for any Frigate or bigger and uSOF-30 Fuel for either Shuttles or Corvettes, it uses the actual in-game mass of the ships and adds the mass of the appropriate engine to it.

The formula for calculating the maxium jump distance is

max distance = fuel level * fuel quality * distance conversion factor (1e5 = 100000) / ship mass

You can also find all jump distances in a practical spreadsheet, which gets updated continously.

Have clear skies,

content and visual improvements

The EVE Frontier developer community is very active and a couple of awesome map projects have sprung up as well as several improvements on explorer pages. We have also been busy and improved the site in many more subtle ways.

In the last news, we proudly shared that we can now display all gate networks. It turns out, that other developers have done a much better job in doing this and instead of replicating these features, we decided to integrate links to the ATLAS Map. You can now open a solar system directly on the map by clicking the pin icon. The "gates" link has been removed.

Additionally, we've included the number of solar systems in the region and constellation, which should help you to determine, if the region is feasable to search for rifts effectively or how big the effort would be.

As requested, we now also added the tribe information to the characters involved in the killmail. In general, the killmail page became a bit more mobile friendly and the manually managed tribe database got extended slightly and should include more tribes now. The tribe display also got a little update and now displays the tribe image already in compact form (on the search result or tabbed pages).

Characters that are a known CEO or Founder now get the green officers badge, instead of a hard coded list of players. Remember, the tribe list is manually maintained, so if you find your tribe or your badge missing, please contact us and give us some details about your tribe.


gate network visualisation

Travelers are busy these days. Countless Smart Gates have been deployed and slowly, the Frontier is rebuild and reconnected. Highways, mostly with exclusive access rights, have been created to shorten the distance between key locations. Time to see, what's going on...

We've created a Smart Gate Map, that gives you a little bit of a glimpse, what is going on in the Frontier. You can see Smart Gate connections (green) and a few static connections (gray) if Smart Gates locations are only one jump apart. You can also click on each Solar System to retrieve more details (which now also includes region and constellation data). In the tooltip, you can even click the "clipboard" icon to get the Solar System as an in-game link, ready to paste into your notebook or into the chat.

The map is a simplified, 2D version without actual location data. This means, that the Solar Systems are not placed in any way like in the in-game map. We've made this choice for now, to reduce complexity and concentrate on the insight gained by having a representation of the Smart Gate networks. Only online and valid connections are displayed and some connections might be missing, due to problems fetching the data from the blockchain.

By the way, you can also use your browser search, if you happen to know a Solar System and want to locate it on the map.

Live long and prosper,

smarter gates and more current data

A crucial information for Smart Gates was missing - Linked Gate Information is now available.

You are now able to see if a Smart Gate is linked and to what other Smart Gate it is linked to. You can even click the linked Smart Gate and see its details.

This time around, we mainly improved the backend side, where the data is now synched and loaded more dynamically. For example, Killmails are synched every hour, all Smart Character and Smart Assembly data is at least synched once a day, but also refetched in the background, if the details are requested and they are older than 10 minutes. The threshold might need to be adjusted in the future, depending on how heavy the page is used.

We also improved the consistency of the page header for character and tribe pages, and the tribes got a "random" image, to make them more recognizable. You will also find a direct link to the most recent blockchain data in the character information section. Most pages now have Tabbed Content, which reduces a bit the load on the new lazy load and synchronization functionality, by not loading everything right away in the background.

Fly Safe,

integration of smart assemblies

A major new feature was added to the page - Smart Assemblies Insights.

You are now able to see the status of smart assemblies, like if they are online, how much fuel (hours) they have left, who owns it and in which solar system it is located. You can also directly open the latest Blockchain data for the selected Smart Assembly. Get deeper insights about Smart Assemblies of a character, of a whole tribe or within a solar system.

Additionally, we've overhauled the display of the killmails, to give it a bit more of a timeline vibe of events happening in the frontier.

See you in the stars,

WOLF launches EVE Frontier web presence

We are very proud to officially launch our web presence for the EVE Frontier tribe WOLF - Wandering Order of the Last Frontier. It not just marks the beginning of improved communication within our tribe, but also an opportunity to connect with other survivors in this harsh and shattered frontier.

In the upcoming weeks, you will be presented with an evergrowing density of information about WOLF and EVE Frontier. Interactive access points will provide you valuable insights and services, which are about to enhance your in-game abilities.

  • Retrieve up-to-date intelligence reports
  • Create awareness of ongoing conflicts within the solar system
  • Dive into the social structures the survivors are shaping
  • Access tools and services to enhance your economic success and industry endeavours

In this first iteration, we mainly provide informational access to the World API, slightly enhanced with manually collected information or data available in the builder community. You can retrieve Smart Character data and see a listing including officer labels of the WOLF tribe members.

We are constantly roaming the stars and therefore looking for other survivors that either want to exchange information and join our quest to rebuild the shattered universe. If you happen to be one of those dangling souls, reach out to us on Discord.

Awake eternally,