Version: f8211d0

Last Release: 2025-02-01 11:29

Community Resources

"Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing." - Rollo May

Data Explorer Webpages

EVE Frontier Tools
Excellent blockchain data explorer page, covering all endpoints and offering great search capabilities. Even the source code for the page is open sourced.
EVE Frontier Finder
Awesome page including a killboard and calculators for the distance between systems and the jump range under given conditions.
Great exploration page for the blockchain data with quick search functionality for all endpoints.
WOLF Explorer
Well...that's the page you are on right now, which offers deeper insights into characters, tribes, smart assemblies, killmails and the star map. The page code is also available online.


The Ultimate Star Map
Awesome, player made star map, even featuring a route planner based on access to smart gates.
ATLAS Star Map
Incredible 3D Star Map with path planning funcionality in very slick look. Get the access code from Discord.
Stellar Carthography
Terrific star map featuring smart gate access logic and path finding algorithms, based on your character.
EVE Frontier Toolbox
Various tools like "Jump Route Planner", "Fuel Requirement", "Region Exit Finder", "Ship Jump Capability", "Distance Between Systems" and on top the code is open sourced.

Builder Resources

Solar System Names by Solar System ID
Helpful JSON to map solar system ids to their name.
EVE Frontier Static Data
Extremely useful code to extract client data, for example for the star map, which includes constellations, regions and NPC gate connections.
Getting started with Smart Infrastructure in EVE Frontier
Well written technical article on how to get started creating your own smart contracts for the Smart Assemblies.

Official Documentation and Tools

EVE Frontier Documentation
The official developer documentation page, giving you insights on the concepts of the smart infrastructure and examples to setup your Smart Assemblies.
World API Documentation
Swagger Documentation of the World API, showing all available endpoints and data types.
Garnet Chain Explorer
View transactions and wallets data on the Garnet testnet.
MUD Explorer (Stillness)
Shows MUD data and tables, you can use from within your smart contracts.
EVE Vault
Inventory management tool to see your on-chain tokens and assets. Also allows to link your characters account with player made DApps.
Open-Source engine for autonomous worlds, which is a framework to build DApps.
Foundry is a smart contract development toolchain. Foundry manages your dependencies, compiles your project, runs tests, deploys, and lets you interact with the chain from the command-line and via Solidity scripts.

Web3 Courses and Resources

YouTube Channel of Patrick Collins
Patrick Collins teaches Solidity smart contract development.
Access free, full stack, high quality education to become a Web3 expert!
Alchemy University "Solidity" course
Master the fundamentals of Solidity - the defacto smart contract development language for EVM chains.
CryptoZombies is an interactive school that teaches you all things technical about blockchains. Learn to write smart contracts by making your own crypto-collectibles game.